Saturday, August 27, 2011

In the words of Winnie the Pooh....

Well technically I'm not that short. But I am getting fat and no, I'm not proud of that.
It would be nice to have a sister closer by to point out these things, instead of relying on the ever loving "no your not" replies from my loving, most likely afraid of walking into a trap, Husband. (Love you, babe) But it would be nice ya know to have a person to say things to you in the midst of it all, like "Why are you eating so much of the pasta that you DON'T like??" (true, I'm not a pasta fan) or "Are you trying to make us all sick?" (hahah. Sorry that was just funny.)
These past few months I've learned I'm a stress eater. Not a depressed eater, (when I'm depressed I just cry, whooa big shocker I know, Ashley has feelings and tear ducts apparently ) but a stress eater. And our scales broken. I didn't break it people!! Well technically I could have but lets just say for the record (and my self esteem) that I didn't.
I really need to get back on my exercise routine (or should I say establish one).
But seriously, either way, I should.
So here's to (raise your glasses) no more Winnie the Pooh.
I mean me looking like Winnie the Pooh (you know all stuffed with fluff and what not), not like the actual book and movie because those are fantastic.

On a lighter note I've been watching old seasons (yeah not just episodes the whole seasons) of Grey's Anatomy. Which has me thinking of how dreamy Patrick Dempsey is and how awesome this was.

Maybe again this year? I hope so.
With me instead of Travis this time? Yes, please!


amber said...

giiiivee meeeee a breaaakkkkkkk. youre immune to fat. you have no idea how to be anything but modelmum of the years.

CHMomma said...

i agree with amber. ive never seen you heavy. so i dont agree with you that you think you are!
me on the other hand i am pooh bear. back to my old bad eating habits.
love you!

CHMomma said...

i agree with amber. ive never seen you heavy. so i dont agree with you that you think you are!
me on the other hand i am pooh bear. back to my old bad eating habits.
love you!

Jessica Speed said...

Loved the post because you were being so you, which I love. And you know that your not fat, so please stop. :) Love you sis!