Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday- Birthday Shopping

Wyatt's been wanting to go birthday shopping, "like Kailyn did!!" so with his birthday money in hand we all trekked over to Target (not far, mind you, but still a little nervous about it since the last time/incident. What kind of person attempts anything with a woman walking with three kids anyway???)
Kailyn walked the whole way with her baby in the sling.
It was cute.
Funny to see people look at me like I was insane for letting my 3 year carry my newborn around. I actually had someone approach me about it!
It's a baby doll folks!
The "I just bought more LEGOs" look from Wyatt!
And this.
This is fussy Gussy.
He made me carry him the whole way.
And if I put him down to walk he did this.
Sat down in protest and even had his big sister coming over to help him out, but he wouldn't budge. Until the kids walked ahead of him then he ran over to my feet and wanted up.
Look at that little cute grouchy boy!

And Wyatt finished building his LEGO train and all its accessories! It's pretty awesome and consumes our table so we eat outside or on the ground. Which is pretty exciting for little kids.


Stacey said...

What happened last time??? I can't believe people thought she was carrying a real baby! Some people are crazy!

Jessica Speed said...

Yep, I wouldn't have walked there. Glad you made it there and back in one piece!