Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday was stressful for me.
We had the car because Wyatt had his 5 year well check, which was good because we also needed to get diapers, go to the post office, grocery store and fit in flying kites (which I promised the kids we would do).
I got three of the five done but didn't break any promises.

It amazes me how kids can go to one extreme to another so quickly.
Most of the morning it went like this
"You're a mean mommy, I want a new mommy"
minutes later
"I love you Mommy, you're the best mommy in the world!!!!!"
SOooo I never take any offense seeing as how they'll be back rooting in my corner in about 10 minutes or so. (Plus they're only 5 and 3 they have no IDEA what a mean mommy is :)

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