Monday, August 25, 2014

Our Oh Henry is One!

Henry's Birthday falls on the first day of school.
I cried a lot the night before and the night of all these changes. 
Everyone's growing up and it makes me sad. 
Henry's birthday started off with a wake up call from Daddy....literally...
 Look at his little puzzled face! He's so cute!!
 After we rode the older kids to school we came home and Henry had his breakfast on the special birthday plate and we played farm and read stories. Then he took a nap, had lunch, played some more, stopped by a friends house a visited for a little bit then picked up older brother and sisters. Hurried and ate dinner (homemade pizza, avocados and strawberries) had baths and got ready for our cookies and milk with bedtime stories party!

 His mustache cake not completed yet. Didn't end up getting a picture of it. But it basically was this with frosting and Happy 1st Birthday Henry on it. But I thought it was cute.
 Reading stories too the masses.

 The picnic blankets I made for party favors. They turned out like crap and realized I'm not crafty but have good ideas. So I should stick with my ideas and pawn them off on other people who are crafty. 
These were also the party favors. I picked a read aloud book for each family and attached little books like the boat one pictured for each child to write their own adventure/story or quotes they like. I love children's books can you tell?

 One of the books we read was Mustache Baby so everyone put on a mustache as we read it!
 Some liked it!

 Some not so much... poor Henry.

 He cried when we all sang... but relaxed for presents!

 Had to show you the dog we got him because he practically shop lifted it at the store. :)

 Eating his cake...

I think he liked it!

Henry, You're one!
It makes me sad to have you grow up but happy because I've had such a wonderful year being your mom and watching you grow. you are such a happy and sweet baby. And for the past two days have been all cuddles almost constantly and I LOVE IT! You love to be outside and you love your siblings, some at a safer distance than others. You love to play with balls and throw them (you have a good arm buddy!) and loved the pool this summer. You took two steps today and as cute as it was it was another tear jerker for me. You love the Ergo still which is nice especially when we have a Gus in our house. :) You like animals and always want to touch and grab them and you love food..good food you're quite picky if you see someone has something better. You know how to sign more and to shake your head no and yes. You can say mama and dada and ni ni (for night night). And you do this cute little crawl we've dubbed your happy crawl where you waddle/stomp fast with a big grin on your face and it just makes us all giggle!
I love you S0O MUCH sweet Henry so SO much thanks for being my beautiful sweet boy.
happy birthday henry!

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