Tuesday, July 15, 2014

New back yard stuff

Travis built this nifty boot rack for outside so the kids won't track in all their grass and mud.
I love it!

 And he helped me string up my outside lights I've been wanting forever, even though he hated them, didn't want them, thought they were tacky, and white trash, but then liked them once it was all said and done. Funny how that seems to work out that way.....a lot. 
Thanks Travis!
And we got some chairs for the fire pit! 
I love them and they're so comfortable!
Love our backyard!

1 comment:

Diane Bromley said...

LUV the boot rack! Why to go Travis!
We love lights over here they add so much.
Nice color for the chairs.
I wish I could ship some cool mountain air so you could enjoy that back yard longer.