Thursday, June 26, 2014

Three Surgeries in three days.

Travis was only going to be home for a week so I had to schedule to tonsillectomies and teeth pulling in a short amount of time.
Gus was up first.
 He tried to get them to take his dogs tonsils out instead..
They thought he was the cutest thing ever.
 Poor boy. 
He did excellent job going in and during the surgery they said, but coming out of anesthesia was really rough. He cried and screamed and punched and tried to rip out his IV a bunch of times, so they finally let us take it out.  
He did pretty good the next day or so but then it got really terrible and he didn't recover for over two weeks.

 He had intense ear pain and it hurt to eat and drink and swallow in general. We'd medicate him and ice pack his ears. It was TERRIBLE. So glad it's over now!

 Wyatt was the following day.
Getting teeth pulled. Took over an hour and a half, those baby teeth were jammed in there tight with the biggest roots EVER!
 He also is a huge biter and won't open his mouth very wide at all, he bit through his lip and tried to bite a hole in his tongue. The dentist was worried he'd chew his tongue off on the way home so had to reverse the numbing fast. SO that was pretty painful once it was all un numb. 
 He recovered quickly and was feeling great the next day!
Kailyn's surgery went well. She was very brave and tough and we left about 5 minutes after she got out of the OR. They don't keep them when they're over 5 years old so she had to do all the waking up out of anesthesia at home, which was good and bad. Good because she was in the comfort of her own home, bad because it wasn't just her and I and everyone wanted/needed mom when it was HER turn to have mom all to her self to take care of her. So that part made me sad as well. 
 We borrowed a friends dog to help keep the kids entertained while being home bound. And she was perfect. She laid and cuddled with the kids as long as the needed or wanted. 

 We all wanted to keep penny!
Everyone is officially better! And doing great! So glad its all over!!

1 comment:

Diane Bromley said...

Not that you couldn't before but now you for sure have your nursing degree.