Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring Break: Kemah Boardwalk

Cousins came to town so Travis's mother took us all out to Kemah Boardwalk for all the rides!
Thank you Hinda, they had a blast!
 Travis said he was nervous that Gus was going to slip out of this ride.
Gus is a little daredevil and was sad when he couldn't go on all the big rides, due to his small stature.

 Riding the Train with cousins!
 Up high!
 Kailyn doesn't do well with anything that can make her dizzy. So she hung out with Grandma and Henry and I. 
She had fun too!

 She won a prize, fed the seagulls and froze by the water. It was so windy!
 Can you find Wyatt?

 Happy to be flying in a plane that looks like DUSTY!

 Anyone who knows Wyatt knows he's OBSESSED with planes, jets and being a pilot.
This was the closest he's ever gotten to flying a plane and even had a couple of passengers in back. He took it very seriously :)

 Wyatt is behind Travis. Head down the WHOLE time. He had a busted lip from bumping it against the bar. He decided the doesn't like roller coasters. 
The only ride Kailyn went on. A small ferris wheel for little kids. She said her heart hurt. Needless to say we didn't ride anymore rides. 

It was a fun day! Thank you Grandma!!

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