Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Break!

Today was so much fun!
We started off with a bike/scooter/walk/ride in that consumed our morning and then spent the afternoon with gorgeous horses!!
Our bike riding pro
Not too happy about having to be in the stroller.
And the new scooter queen.
Taking a break to cool off!

Wyatt is a natural!
The horses loved him and he them.
Kailyn thought they were really pretty and would pet them, but too afraid they'd bite her if she fed them.
Gus wouldn't let me put him down but eventually got used to them and ended up petting the biggest horse of all topping off at 2240 lbs that was out of the stall and in our face!
We went to the Mounted Police headquarters where you can feed all the police horses!
It's free and so much fun, seriously we all had SOOO much fun!
And the super amazing lady above is named Rebecca and she showed us all around and told us little stories about each of the horses and even showed us Shadow (horse behind) who knows tricks! From funny faces (sticking out tongue and crossing his eyes) to "BIG", where he stands on his back legs! The kids LOVED it!
The whole way home our conversations were of what our horses names would be and what we are going to teach them to do if we ever moved to the farm. We even came home and played horses out of LEGOs ,stunt courses included, until bed time. Seriously an amazing day!

Such beautiful animals!

5005 Little York Rd. Houston,Tx. 77016-2547
Main Telephone Number: 832-394-0399
Primary Fax Number: 832-394-0398


Karleigh said...

Can I be your child?! lol You always do such fun things with your kids.

amberhenrie said...
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amber said...

horses. are seriously the best. i got to find a place with tricky horses. sounds like such a fun day!!!