Monday, January 30, 2012

A CARS Birthday for Augustus

He's two!
I got him some balloons when we were out running a couple of errands and it made his day. Hitting balloons around during a car ride is quite entertaining, I must say.
We did everything he wanted to do for the day, minus the screaming and hitting he tried to do.
We played at the park for a couple of hours after we picked up Wyatt.
And then we came home and waited for cousins and grandparents to come!

Everything that could go wrong went wrong with this cake.
First off it was disgusting.
I searched for over a week for a good white cake recipe and finally settled on one that ended up tasting like a bad angel food cake. Icing it was a pain and it took too long and looks like crap. But Gus loved it, so I tried not to care or be completely embarrassed when everyone tried it.
CARS party on a budget, aka homemade party.
Our front entry.
Gus loved it. Its just a blanket but the kids had fun running through it.
This was the "garage" where the kids got their cars.
Flo's cafe
My favorite was Fillmores Organic fuel which was a Green Smoothie.
Ramones body shop, where the kids decorated their cars, with wheels, stickers and crayons.
First guests to arrive!
Gus eating with cousins.
He was a bit overwhelmed by everyone and it was just family, so I am glad we kept it small.
The kids in their cars.
A small car for Roxanne.

Sarge's Boot Camp.
I was originally going to have them roll tires and race back and forth but our backyard was super muddy so we opted for jumping jacks and throwing a ball through the tire.

Opening presents!
Look at him he's in shock!
(Don't mind me in the background just trying to cope with him being two and not wanting me by him, no biggie)
He loved everything!
Thank you everyone for coming, calling, texting, giving, and sending to him!
I can't believe this little guy is two! When you ask him how old he is he puts up a five and says three. He's a charmer and loves women. Yes, I am worried for his future but right now he's just cute. He loves cars, trains, trucks being outside, cooking, and baking.
He makes us laugh everyday and we love him so much!
Happy Birthday Augustus!!


Diane Bromley said...

Oh thank you so much for all the pictures and story lines I feel like I was there. Well, sort of if only it was a scratch and sniff. The cake is amazing you really shouldn't say mean things about your cakes because no one believes you just FYI. Just saying
Very clever party I am impressed. If I was there I would have hoped for a car just like Roxie. I am sure everyone had a blast. A lot of work honey you need a nap until Sunday.

Jessica Speed said...

I second what Mom said. Love all your creativeness Ash, well done! And your cake looks awesome too.

amber said...

you're such a great mom ash. miss you.