Thursday, June 14, 2012

High Dive!

Wyatt is amazing. This guy has only been on a little diving board at my sister's inlaws house once and went for the high dive right off the bat. It was incredible. Here's pictures of his third and fourth times. The video below is his very first time. Excuse the nervous laugh/I'm gonna cry in my voice. He was definitely nervous (which is why my voice is so weak and shaky on the film) but his Kelley pride/stubbornness kept him from backing down and doing what he set out to do especially in front of the 12 year olds he was surrounded by. And he did it and I was so freaking proud! The video cuts off right after I made sure he was okay and then we were all screaming and cheering for him. You should have seen the other kids look at us like we were crazy. But they were just jealous he had his own cheering team and they were yelling at their parents to watch them jump. Or at least that's what I say so I don't feel like we embarrassed him too much.

 The walk
 The jump. 
I like to call this the free fall.
 Walking off like it ain't no big thang

 The other cheerleaders played in the showers right by the pool while we waited for Wyatt to jump each time.

 Adult Swim = Snack Break!
 We played how many grapes can you fit in your mouth?
Kay got 4, Wyatt 5, Gus 2
 Helping count as everyone added grapes to their mouths!
"The free fall"
He's so awesome.

1 comment:

amber said...

I would have faaaareeakkkkeed outtt. What a stud!