Thursday, April 12, 2012

Making the most out of...

Being sick, AGAIN!
This time with strep throat.
(Well technically Kailyn was the only one "positive" for it but Wyatt's looked worse so she let him have some too since he had a party coming up.)
Luckily they all were non contagious (antibiotics for 4 days) and feeling MUCH better by the time Wyatt's party rolled around.
I'm beginning to think Houston and our family aren't made for each other. Ever since we've moved here the kids have gotten sick NON STOP! And I clean EVERYTHING MULTIPLE times especially when they are sick. If it can't be soaked in bleach water, it's lysoled the heck out of, washing hands is a constant and there are hand sanitizer/tissue stations EVERYWHERE.
So cleanliness is not the issue.
I'm pretty sure Houston is just trying to weed us out.

So while we were at the pharmacy (for the second time in 6 days) we got some treats and rented a movie and made our own little theatre with movie tickets and all.
They are such great kids to deal with being sick so much!!

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