I want to go to Disneyland.
The plan was when Travis finishes Law School (in three years) we'd all go to Disneyland. And by plan I mean, I said "I want to go to Disneyland". Sooo I guess it's not really a plan, more like a said statement/celebration, like a "Hooray it's over, now lets go have some family fun since we haven't seen you in three whole years". But lets face it folks in three years we won't have any moolah for that. We'll be paying off our hefty school loans. And more importantly in three years Wyatt will be 8 and probably be "too cool" for Disneyland and Kailyn will be 6 and well lets not beat around the bush here Kailyn only has so many sweet moments in her right now and who KNOWS how many more of those I've got left. (I'm guessing 10 tops.) And she loves princesses right now and when she's six what if she doesn't anymore, I'm going to look RIDICULOUS standing in the princess line all by myself!!! And Augustus will be 4, he's so sweet right now and once he hits two I'm sure its just downhill from there. So now would really be the best time. Sure it's 21 hours away and expensive but I want to give my kids those memories, just like the ones in the commercial only better because they'll be ours!
So here's me wishing in one and and poopin' in the other seeing which one fills up faster, as my dear husband would say.
K, here's the plan...I LOVE Disneyland. So. Next month we're moving to Anaheim, so you guys can come stay with us and go to Disneyland!!! That way you won't have to pay for a hotel. And I'll watch Gus if you are worried about taking him cause he can't go on all the rides or whatever. Then in 3 years, just YOU can come out, stay with us again, and ME and YOU will go to Disneyland just the two of us, cause you know that we'll never stop loving it!! Woohoo!!!
I love you STACEY!!!! Sounds like the best plan EVER!
that is a wicked sweet plan, i say roll with it :O)
Ash, Don't worry about how old they are! They will love Disneyland at any age. When we went last year Jarod (11 at the time) had the best time with the more adult rides. Sarah (15 and Hannah 9) greatly enjoyed the "little kid rides" (tea cups). As for the Princesses we missed them and Hannah was upset but we did wait in line to meet Tinker Bell and friends. Sarah and Jarod also waited to see Mickey and have their photo taken with him. You are never too old for Disney! I went in 8th grade and the high senior trip was to Disneyland:)
Disneyland is for families of all ages! But, I'm with you..I want to be instantly gratified NOW! :) My amazing Grandma paid for Jake, Riley and I to go to Disneyland 2 years ago. Riley was only 13 months old and I was astonished to learn that she was able to ride almost ALL of the rides. It was a blast!
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