Tuesday, April 26, 2011

He Peed!

Augustus has been sick the past couple of days with super high fevers., diarrhea and more recently vomiting. I got him into the doctor this morning after a long night of 104.8 F temperature that would not go down. I thought it was just a bad ear infection, since he'd been messing with his ears lately. But it's either Roseola (which is going around) or a virus of some sort. So with the vomiting and lack of food/liquid intake that was going on I was told to take him to Dell Children's Hospital if he doesn't pee in 8 hours. So right as I was about to call Travis home from work so I could have the car to drive him up to the hospital (he was at 8 hours and about 5 minutes) HE PEED!!! I don't think I've ever been so excited about a pee pee diaper before! The kids and I were singing and dancing a pee pee diaper song and Augustus was just looking at us like we were nuts. His fevers haven't been as high today which is wonderful and I hope he's better soon!
We love you Gus!

This is his first laugh in two days.

Followed by a whole lot of


NatDCurfiss said...

poor gustus :O(
we love you you are such a trooper! get better soon
ps-when alex saw the video of you laughing he laughed along with you. he even tried to say your name. he loves you

The Samples Sampler said...

Hooray for peeing! Hope he continues to get better.

Jennifer said...

I'm so sorry - sick kids are the saddest thing. Hurray for pee pee!! PS he looks like Kailyn in that last picture.