Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our 1st Pottery Barn Kids Story time!

We went to the park to get our wiggles out before heading to story time.
Augustus trying to tackle/hug Kailyn, he loves his sister.
And his super strong big brother!
At story time the lady read the very hungry caterpillar and Goldilicious. The kids colored pictures and got "the very hungry caterpillars" stick on tattoos. They were also given a stamp book and when they attend five story times (and get five stamps) they get 10 dollars to spend at the store!

And these are just some of the things Travis brought home from SXSW (I love free stuff!). The kids LOVE the cats, I think they are pretty darn ugly but all three of the kids just adore them and they were free so really no complaints. I'm just glad SXSW is over!! Travis is taking a little break before he takes on a second job. Our goal is to work his butt off until we head out to law school where then he can proceed to work his butt off in law school, then get an awesome job where he works his butt off to pay off all the school loans.
It never really ends, does it?


NatDCurfiss said...

yay for free stuff! and um yeah the cats are creeping me out..just sayin

i wish pottery barn was closer i would take the boys to do story time

The Little Reporters! said...

forget the cats, what are those things next to them?

Where does Travis want to go to school?

Jake and Jana said...

Free stuff!! yay! And, Jake just got accepted to Idaho State University, which is awesome, but I am thinking what you're thinking...when is it going to end and we are making more than we are spending?!