Friday, November 21, 2014

Thanksgiving Giving Tree

So I decided this year we'd do a giving tree instead of a thankful tree. Of course we're all thankful for so many things (My children, their health, our home, employment, food, clothing, etc.) but one of the big things I want to instill in my children is to be giving and kind. So I drew up this giving tree (suppose to look like Shel Silverstein's) added a bunch of apples and the kids had to do kindness for others to pick an apple off. It was a HUGE hit and everyday on the walk home from school they were sharing what they did for others that day! I loved it!

November's not even over yet and the apples are all gone!
 There were 52 apples!
Thankful for my little givers!

1 comment:

Jake and Jana said...

Love this idea! So important to raise children who want to give and help others.