Monday, April 7, 2014

Kids night at Chick-fil-a gone wrong.

So we went to Chick-fil-a night again.
Travis was out of town, we had girl scouts that night so it worked out great.
Or so we thought.

 The kids got face paint and balloons.
But if you can tell from Wyatt's face the clown was grumpy.
 Notice the scowl on her face in the picture.
What ensued after these pictures is as follows.
Apparently a close friend or sibling of the clown sat at the table behind Wyatt.
This lady clearly shouldn't be around kids. She was yelling at the kids to move, was loud and obnoxious, the clown nor her rude, loud friend should have been there.
The clowns friend ended up getting in a cat fight with another lady/mom, due to her loud white trashy self. It was all very awkward and luckily the kids didn't pick up on the chaos around them as they were focused on getting to the playground. Needless to say we won't be attending anymore family nights at Chick-fil-a. 

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