Saturday, April 5, 2014


Our neighborhood has some really fun holiday festivities. This year was airplane/helicopter rides, train rides, egg hunt, face painting, carnival games, jumpy houses, petting zoo and more that I can't remember.

 The kids loved the ride!

 Kailyn was unaware that it lifted off the ground. She did ok though (as she gripped the side tightly), Gus thought it was so fun!
 So did Wyatt. That boy is itching' to fly a plane.

 The 4-6 yr old hunt!

 They did really good!
 The 7+ egg hunt!

 He got a ton!
So when a kid arrived late and missed the hunt all together (his mom had a newborn in her arms) Wyatt was happy to share as I started shoveling his bucked into the boys basket. :)
 Pettting zoo's are always so neat.
Especially with all the baby animals!

 Boys riding the train all by themselves. They were pretty excited, until Dad left their side.
 "Where'd Dad go?"
"Is he really leaving us?? Like ALONE??!"

Hahaha. None of that was actually said. I just think it fits the pictures. 

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