Friday, July 22, 2011

the rest of the week.

Wednesday we had fun at play group swimming and even got to celebrate the July birthdays of play group. Thursday the kids were worn out. I started the day off by taking the kids to the park. We played soccer, football and climbed everything climbable in the vicinity of the park. Then, THEN (after we went home and played for a bit and I packed a picnic) we went to look at a house! After the house we went to the Elementary school close by that we want Wyatt to go to (hence the move)to play and have our picnic. It was really fun, Travis even came and it was a really relaxing fun time. Something that was much needed with so much going on. Tomorrow we are looking at some more houses to lease because times a wastin'.
This little guy loves football.
He has quite the arm too!
This guy is our long distance runner.
Today he ran a full mile around the track only stopping once to catch his breath.
And he's not to shabby at kicking a soccer ball around!
This girl (or should I say princess) can run. She can. She chooses not to if she can help it. But she CAN. And when she does, she's very good at pushing her limits. She'll be tired and her running will slow down and once she sees the end ahead of her she'll push it and sprint the rest of the way.

I love this picture.
I have no idea what the thumbs up is for but gotta love it!
Super climber.

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