Saturday, September 25, 2010

Cleaning up the side bar.

K: How about I hit you??
M: How about you spend eternity in time out?
K: Hahahaha, that's not funny.

M: (whispering) Wyatt, Kailyn come here.
W & K: WHAT??
M: Shh its a secret (showing them the yogurt covered pretzels and then we duck down behind the kitchen counters so daddy doesn't see us)
K: ohhh a snecret.
M: a snecret?
K: yeah a snecret.
M: Ohh like a secret snack, a snecret?
K: YEA, thats what I said a snecret.

D: Ewww! Why??
W: It was just on the floor I didn't see it! I'm gonna wash my hands.
M: Good idea Babe. I'm going to go clean it up
W: (Washing his hands and starts gagging and then runs to his room) I'm staying in here and I don't want to look at IT!!! (then slams the door)

W: Momma! Come get Gus
M: (scrubbing dishes) Is he in the bathroom???
W: Yes!! (laughing)
I run in (he was suppose to be in the kids room playing where I just left him, which I can see from where I am) to find him standing next to the toilet, which Wyatt is peeing in, splashing the pee water with his hands! Both boys were laughing hysterically! Needless to say Augustus (and the toilet, floor and bath mat) got a good cleaning right after.

M: Yes, Kailyn?
K: I don't love dada's yucky toes. But I love your toes and Gussy's toes. But I don't love dada's yucky toes.

Wyatt and I playing Batmobiles I'm the evil twin Batman, he's the good one:
W: I'm Batman, I'm gonna kill you bad Batman!!!
M: Nope, Batman never kills he just catches them and takes them to jail.
W: Okay, I'm gonna take you to jail. You know how I'm gonna do it?? I'm gonna shoot you with my gun, dead!!!!!

W: Kailyn's doing really good at getting matches, Momma. Umm, Kailyn, do you think you're going to miss? (this means lose)
K: Nope, I'm gonna WIIIINNNN!!!

K: MOMMMA (screaming in the middle of the night)
M: What's wrong kailyn?
K: I need to get ready! (eyes still closed)
M: Ready for what sweetheart?
K: (looking down at her night shirt and rubbing it) I can't wear this for daddy it's not bootiful!

W: I want to watch a cartoon.
M: Nope, you didn't stay in your bed, sorry.
W: But it was a blinking light night! I didn't do it. It just blinked me in your bed and I tried to get back in my bed but it just blinked me in YOUR bed MOMMA!!!!

W: Raise your hand who wants to marry me??
M: I love you, but I can't marry you, I'm already married
W: WHAT??!!! You left me, you got married!!!!!!
Well I guess you're going to have to get married again then... to me.

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