Kailyn was pouting earlier when I was taking pictures of the boys so I got this quick one of her later in her sunglasses at the one moment that she wasn't screaming at me.
H-E-B offers Buddy Bucks to kids at the check out line. Buddy Bucks are little fake dollar bills that you put in their claw game and win little number stickers (a.k.a. points) that you collect and then you can get their prizes. Well the kids and I didn't know that you could collect them we just thought they were stickers so we would stick them on stuff and eventually they got thrown away. So a couple of months ago we noticed a little booklet they have where you can stick your stickers and start collecting. So we did! The kids saved enough so they could all get a pair of sunglasses! They were quite the site at the grocery store today sporting their brand new, free, yellow, matching sunglasses!
AWESOME! we did the buddy buck thing but the bags they got with their points where VERY cheaply made and broke pretty quick :O( i hope you have better luck with the glasses
Ash, I found you another web-site. This one is kids art. Hope you guys enjoy it! I like the Japenesse Wind Socks. http://www.artprojectsforkids.org/
I forgot I also like one called childmade.com This one finds projects on different blogs and gives you a link to the blog for directions. That is how I found the blog above. Childmade also has fun mommy do projects.
that picture of kay totally looks like me in that one picture. you know?
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