Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Letter A

I told them to bring things that started with the letter A.
Wyatt brought an angry faced toy (came up with that by himself) and Annie (the train coach) and Kailyn brought Ariel and Aurora (Sleeping Beauty figurine)
They were amazed after I told them the apple fable (from Everything Preschool) and there really was a star inside!
Wyatt was 14 apples tall and Kailyn was 12 and then we made hand apple trees which they thought was pretty hilarious. (I colored their arms and hands with marker to make the print which of course tickled my very ticklish kids!)


NatDCurfiss said...

what a fun day! i would have pointed to you for my "letter a" thing haha

Diane Bromley said...

I wonder if you can use all of these hours for a teaching certificate and just skip the rest of your needed college credits-an idea.

Very nice hand writing Wyatt.

I am so thankful you have wonderful family so close.

Give Travis a big hug from Rob and I. He is an amazing man.