She was really angry
We were leaving (due to Kay begging Wyatt nonstop to stop playing so she could go home and eat a sandwich) when Wyatt unknowingly turned on the fountain and provided another hour of fun!(for everyone)
Terra Toys, a local toy store in north Austin, had a free event perfect for Wyatt.
They got to paint their own tank or box car, made by the thomas the train company, to use with his track at home!
After they painted them they got a little coupon to go to the kids shoe store (two stores down) and got Thomas the Train trading cards! (Wyatt despite his looks was really excited)
he fits in that shirt now!!!
As usual, another exciting day at the Kelleys! Thanks for all the great pictures and details of your day. Miss you all.
wow, we can't wait to be part of your day. We are going to have to get IV's of caffeine to keep up with you guys. Do you ever sleep?????
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