Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dear Travis,
I thought I'd use the blog to talk to you. Since you're away and communication is little. I think this will be a fun way to keep you posted. (hahah posted? Get it?) So today started off a bit rough. I needed to run one errand and it took us over 2 hours to get out of the house to do it. It was one of those typical days where we cleaned up one mess only to walk into another room and discover another, that another sibling had done while we cleaned up the previous. So when I finally had them in the car and Wyatt dumped the entire bag of goldfish all over the car, I just closed his door and went to get the broom laughing to myself because who knew that running to Target on a Saturday morning to pick up construction paper for your Sunday nursery class could be so hard to accomplish?? But after a pretty amusing run to Target I needed a little pick me up and what better than puppies??
So I took the kids to Petco because they have dog adoptions on Saturday and the kids sat and held 8 different puppies for over an hour and a half! They were who's your daddy puppies and the kids loved them. And at the very end the people there commented on how lovely and well behaved our kids were! Can you believe it?? Thought I'd relay it since they are half yours and all. 
After we came home we ate lunch and played outside for a couple of hours. Where Wyatt told Kailyn he would give her a ride on his bike three times if she would try to _____________ by her self. I'm not suppose to say what it is because she wants to show you in person with out anyone telling you so she can surprise you. But lets just say it was awesome and I didn't help her AT ALL and who knew all it took was her awesome big brother to tell her to try! Seriously even Wyatt was telling her how amazing she is. It's that awesome. Anyways after all her hard work we had a water fight/dance through the sprinkler fun. Then we came in and had baths, dinner and amazingly found some one to come out last minute and do an HVAC inspection. Because I am amazing. 
just thought you should know.

 Kailyn with her favorite puppy "Cookie"
 Wyatt holding "Princess"
 Wyatt holding another puppy that I don't remember its name.
 Gus giggling while the dog sniffs and licks his leg.
 Gus likes to hold their heads and make kissy faces at them.

 Kailyn getting hugs (literally) from another puppy.
 Wyatt holding the only boy of the litter "Alex"
 Dancing through the sprinkler!

Oh and this is the FREE lego set thing that came with the battery pack we order. Pretty cool I thought. So did this guy.

ps. i love you.

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