Saturday, December 8, 2012

Giving us a scare or two... all while dad's away OF COURSE!

So after Thanksgiving Kailyn decided to get this lodged up her nose. Luckily I'm prepared for such things....and got her to snap out of the shock she was in get her to blow really hard so I could get the tweezers up there and pull it out. It was all the way up and bulgy at the top of her nose by here eye.
Then the following day Kailyn had one of her passing out spells. This time she had a mini seizure/vomiting thing with it, but on the upside I caught her this time (becoming a pro now) and she didn't hit her head on anything, double plus!
 And this time they had me go to the ER. FINALLY those silly/stupid Dr's take her passing out seriously she's only been doing it since she was 2 1/2!!! GEEZ LOUISE! 
So after a trip to the ER, pediatrician and a pediatric cardiologist... we still don't know what's wrong with Kailyn. But we do know her heart is pumping correctly and no defects/murmurs/etc. So that's a plus.
So now on to the neurologist....

In the mean time she's back to normal playing and cooking with her little partner in crime.
We sure love you Miss. Kailyn!

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