Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lucky Girl!!

Kay and I went to my sister-in-law's baby shower today and Kay hit the jackpot!
First they had a jellybean count (that bottle was stuffed full of jellybeans, we had shared prior to picture) and she looked at it and said "900 and a half" so I wrote down 950. She was only off by 3!!!! She won 5 scratch offs and a starbucks giftcard. Next they had a diaper raffle, everyone who brings diapers writes there name on a paper, its then placed in a bowl and they draw a name. When my sister in laws mother read the name she said "No way!" and it was KAILYN!!!! She won another Starbucks giftcard, a starbucks giftbasket and 7 MORE scratch offs!! THEN she came home and scratched them off with her brothers and one 20$!! She has broken the Kelley curse and she's actually LUCKY!!

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