Wednesday, February 23, 2011

San Marcos Children's Park

We pull up to the park and it's closed off because they are power washing it.
Lucky for us, two seconds later a train comes by.
And our train lover, Wyatt, gets a personal wave and horn honk from the engineer!

Putting pennies on the track.
A trick my Dad always did for us.
Unfortunately there wasn't any more trains to flatten them.

The park backs up to the San Marcos river so the kids and I went to explore. Travis stayed in the car with a sleeping Augustus.

Travis showing Wyatt his way of how to listen for a train coming. Wyatt disagreed with this and said how dangerous is was and how "you are suppose to stop and look and and listen! Not put your head down there, DADDA!"

Kailyn picked these little flowers for me and said "Momma, I got that flower for you because I love you". Which was such a special treat compared to all the "I don't love you, I don't like you," and "you're a POOPY FACE!" that I usually get from her.
After an hour of exploring they finished up the power washing and we were free to play!
She informed me she could do this because she eats her vegetables.

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